Getting older

today while browsing my photo app, I stumbled upon a picture from 5 years ago. Reminiscing the good old time it hit me, how could be 5 years coz it feels like yesterday.

Then suddenly, I reminded myself that I am in my thirties now and I created this blog when I was in my early twenties…crazy huh!

Time is slipping like sand between fingers making me nostalgic or maybe slightly pukish. I like being older now but nostalgia is bittersweet and ageing maybe inevitable but is hurtful.

Sitting here on my couch while typing I can only hope that I stay fun and hot in coming years as well. Last but not the least, dear ninties baby notice how long we have got to scrol while putting our age on any website now.

until next time.


Girl with the pink phone

Making Culinary Strides

Being a mom doesn’t leave me with a lot of time so these days I channel my energy in kitchen . Needless to say sometimes I surprise myself and people around me and sometimes I cause disaster.

Few days ago I had a brownie debacle, I don’t have OTG so I decided to use microwave to bake my brownie but ….but my friends it burned. It burnt so bad that what was supposed to be a brownie was just black block of mess . Phewwew…since then I have been trying to get back on brownie bandwagon but still no courage.

let me know what is going on with you.



Coffee, Love & Gelato

Hello readers welcome back to my little corner. If you are intentionally here I admire you but if you are here by chance, I hope you would stop by often.

So, long gone are the days when I used to get time for books over the weekends but now everything is just blah!! anyhow I did manage to watch movie Love & Gelato on Netflix, I have heard lots of good things about book but ofcourse movie didn’t impress me.

But movie gave me solid nostalgia, Rome is probably the best city I have visited till date, memories came rushing back, drinks, history , lovely cafes and most of all great people.

I do still hope to read Love & Gelato and exciting thing is author released companion novels as well.

Lots of Love

Being Mom

Hello readers so I have been MIA for longest time ever on this blog as long as I can remember but what to tell you I am mother now to a beautiful little baby girl and was full time working now however I have got some time as I quit my last job.

Meanwhile nothing new happened but I am happy though it is sad to look at my blog which once was in glory has no traffic whatsoever, lets see if I can revive it and hope for the best.

Genre Discussion: Gothic (Spoilers)

Hello readers!! welcome to my blog, today I will be discussing about my one of the favorite genre i.e. Gothic.I discovered my love for this genre around six years ago when I first picked Dracula by Bram Stoker. Honestly, I didn’t like book much but I ended up loving the settings in this world. The world presented by Bram Stoker was dark and eerie and what kept me on the edge was the anticipation of what might happen next. So, lets go ahead and take a closer look on this genre.Brief History:First Gothic book was published in 1764 called The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole and eventually it sprout into many sub genre. It’s popularity was on all time high during 1800s era. This genre in particular is delicious mix of horror, romance , dark mysteries, curses and darkness in general.Years after years this genre has presented some timeless tales that people still love and remember. During 1800s Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte presented absolute delightful books from Gothic romance followed by Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. Despite being dark and sometimes gory what is it that makes this genre so alluring and reason why people love it. We will discuss it but before that let’s take a look on some prominent features/ tropes.Common tropes in Gothic Novels:If we take a look at Gothic or its sub-genre we will find there are some common tropes used in these stories across centuries, these are mainly family curses, prophecies, dark secrets that has potential to ruin everyone’s life, gloomy weather, isolated and ghostly mansions, dark graveyards or some big tree. These stories are generally based on lives of people who are often perceived as eccentric or rather cruel personalities classic examples are Heathcliff , Rebecca. These characters are often attractive and are generally victims of misdeeds done to them. They are anti-hero and there is something dark but alluring about them. In Gothic romance there are generally forbidden desires, obsession with supernatural or attracting to someone who is anti-social or anti-hero. Love stories like Wuthering Heights are destructive. There is always an involvement of terrible secret or some sort of curse/prophecies. There is always dark lurking around corner and something evil is always on the loose.My Thoughts:As I have already admitted that Gothic is my go to genre, so what is it that makes it so popular, in my opinion everything about it makes me love it.Yes, I love dark and twisted and I am sure many people love it as Gothic as a genre is gaining popularity with each passing day. So that was it from me.Please drop your opinion in comments below.Thanks for reading, pic credit(Google)


Life as we know it can be unpredictable specially in today’s world. Fortunately idea of comfort remains the same.

My life has changed in so many ways but I have my constant which keeps me sane and gets me going. Going back home to family or sleeping in my own bed has became a definition of good life.

Travelling on Saturdays and spending Sundays in watching Harry Potter or just getting cozy with love book gives me such a satisfaction.

sometimes I love to reorganise my bookshelves or just taking a long walk .

life can be unpredictable mess but our constant reminds us that after hustle we have place to go to.

Book Quote

I grabbed my book and opened it up.

I wanted to smell it.

Heck, I wanted to kiss it.

Yes, kiss it.

That’s right, I am a book kisser.

Maybe that’s kind of perverted or maybe it’s just romantic and highly intelligent.

Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

An old reader & book sale

Hello readers and welcome to my blog, yesterday I went to Cambridge for a day trip and when I was heading towards the Trinity College I spotted an old man selling used books in church yard. I stopped as I saw this sale and started browsing through books and I must say I was pretty impressed they had some great books. Without wasting anytime I picked four books and as I was ready to pay the man asked me which books I picked and he was so happy with my selection of books.

Man started talking to me about books and shared his memories with those books and authors. There were some recommendations and such beautiful gleam in man’s eye that I instantly knew this guy is serious reader and he was so proud of me for selecting those books.

This book buying experience became highlight of my day.

Coffee and true crime!!

Hello readers and welcome to my blog, over the years I have believed that I was an outgoing person but recently I realised it has never been true.

I am not saying I am introvert but I am in category of people who hates small talks. It’s not like there is something wrong with small talks but it is something I don’t have ability to do.

over the years I got so used to be in my own company that when someone asks me to hangout with them it makes me slightly uncomfortable. Maybe if I go I will have blast but that first instinct is to refuse.

sometimes I get lonely still idea of meeting people worries me. I like going out but just with my husband. My move to England hasn’t helped either, now all I love doing is drinking coffee and watch true crime documentaries sometimes Harry Potter.

Going Places

Hello and welcome readers!! Has it ever happened to you that you got lost in train of thoughts that even without realising you go to places you haven’t been to in long time. Some procrastination some deja vu.


Places you have locked away consciously or unconsciously. Places that gives us tickles or may be fright sometime??

It has been happening to me quite a lot lately, I am going places to have a taste of sweet nostalgia, going back to safety of familiarity where I know I am happy and safe.