Getting older

today while browsing my photo app, I stumbled upon a picture from 5 years ago. Reminiscing the good old time it hit me, how could be 5 years coz it feels like yesterday.

Then suddenly, I reminded myself that I am in my thirties now and I created this blog when I was in my early twenties…crazy huh!

Time is slipping like sand between fingers making me nostalgic or maybe slightly pukish. I like being older now but nostalgia is bittersweet and ageing maybe inevitable but is hurtful.

Sitting here on my couch while typing I can only hope that I stay fun and hot in coming years as well. Last but not the least, dear ninties baby notice how long we have got to scrol while putting our age on any website now.

until next time.


Girl with the pink phone

Coffee and true crime!!

Hello readers and welcome to my blog, over the years I have believed that I was an outgoing person but recently I realised it has never been true.

I am not saying I am introvert but I am in category of people who hates small talks. It’s not like there is something wrong with small talks but it is something I don’t have ability to do.

over the years I got so used to be in my own company that when someone asks me to hangout with them it makes me slightly uncomfortable. Maybe if I go I will have blast but that first instinct is to refuse.

sometimes I get lonely still idea of meeting people worries me. I like going out but just with my husband. My move to England hasn’t helped either, now all I love doing is drinking coffee and watch true crime documentaries sometimes Harry Potter.

Life Happens #Monday Motivation


Hello readers and welcome to my blog, there are times when we dream and do everything to achieve them but still those efforts are not enough, we feel demotivated and depressed, this is not it, sleepless nights follows and negative thoughts nags us….and we stress out. But I believe we must always remember dreams are part of life, there are so many things other than ambitions and careers. We have family, friends, education which definitely proves we are worth.

I am not saying stop dreaming, I am just saying don’t stress over our future dreams and current failures, take time and embrace the moment, appreciate people who never left our sides and be positive. Still there is possibility we might face difficulties in life but at least we will be facing problems with positive outlook and new energy.

Book of Life


Every night, I add one page in my book called “my life” binding it with love, lots of happy moments and fond memories. Sometimes there are imprints of mistakes but my book is getting loaded every night making me brave, and letting me know that I can be through no matter what situation is going to be, I will be ready..lot more steps to take and lot more pages to add..

Intimacy in books???

Hey guys, I hope you all are good…so guys here I am today to have a discussion about something controversial, umm hmm…….


“It is about intimacy in books” guys usually we come across intimacy in plot and story line.we like it and I too like it personally you know like those parts in books but then there is a sex in books. Guys now days it is very common to come across a sex scene in young adult books. Young adult books are meant for the readers of age 12-18 and Sharing explicit content with them makes book unsuitable for them to read in high school. For me sex is something which is very emotional and something which requires alot of clarity in mind as far as consequences and responsibilities are concerned. I agree that not all think the way I do.

In book “all the bright places”, when Finch and violet laughed together it was intimacy as a reader I was looking for. In “Elenor and Park” by Rainbow Rowell when Park pulled Elenor and danced with her was intimacy for me.. this is a kind of romance I like reading.

For sex in book, there is a whole dedicated genre and I believe it perfectly belongs there….guys what are your views do let me know..



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Hello lovely people!! How you guys doing?? I am good and the good news is “winter” is here……yayyy!!! I love winters and wedding season is here and I am so happy about it….

You know life is so good when winters are here and you can just get cozy in bed and read with tea all time..

You don’t have to worry about oily skin and sweat and all horrible can eat without hesitation. Cold nights and warm blankets are just perfect!! Life is so good….I love this season, how about you guys???

Children Day

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Hey beautiful people!!! Today is children day so I came up with pretty good idea to celebrate this day!! So tell me in the innocence of childhood what was the most adorable thing you did that makes you laugh even today and if you used to think anything that as a child you used to believe but was completely rubbish…

So my story is, when I was little girl I wanted to be a horse!! And this makes me laugh like crazy even today